Onondaga Township

Parks & Rec

Baldwin Park

Located on Onondaga Road, just south of the center of town is one of real gems of Onondaga Township, Baldwin Park. Recently taken back under township control from Ingham County, the park features frontage with the Grand River at its easterly border, a nicely wooded area for family gatherings and barbeques, a child’s playground area and pavilions for cover in the event of rain. There are also bathroom facilities at the park and a softball field that is being returned to its former condition so that the summer family softball game can be held, or perhaps even some regional rivalries between those whom would seek the competition.

Over the next few years, Onondaga Township will be seeking to improve on Baldwin Park with not only township investments, but also grant money from the State of Michigan, allowing our residents to have a park that would rival in Ingham County.

Please take some time and visit this wonderful park, make some memories and have a wonderful time with families and friends. Pavilions can be rented for various activities by contacting Pat Clone, Baldwin Park manager, at 517-490-6512.

Veteran’s Memorial Park

Located in the downtown area of Onondaga, next to the post office, is the newest addition to Onondaga Township, the Veteran’s Memorial Park. Picnic tables, sitting benches and a memorial stone commemorating those who have served our nation are some of the features of this park, with more to be added as time and money will allow. Created by private donations and effort, this park was opened on Memorial Day, 2013, and has become a place to enjoy ice cream, perhaps a quick lunch or picnic dinner with the family or merely to sit and pass some time enjoying the summer weather and friends as they pass by.

Please visit the Onondaga Township Veteran’s Memorial Park and take a moment to thank those who has selflessly served in the defense of this Nation, those members past and present of the United States of America Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.