Robert Marten Hall Rental Manager
Phone: (517) 719-0601
Hall Rental: Residents: $100.00
Non-residents: $150.00
Deposit: A $75 deposit will be charged at rental time which will be forfeited if any of the below rules are broken. An inspection of the hall will be made prior to the return of the deposit. Any damages will be assessed against the deposit at that time with any damage exceeding the amount of the deposit billed to the renter.
1. Decorating must be limited to tables only. No scotch tape, tacks, etc. are to be used on walls woodwork, or light fixtures.
2. Confetti and/or glitter is prohibited for decorating.
3. Our hall is a Non-Smoking facility and is strictly enforced.
4. No liquor is permitted in the hall or parking lot.
5. All music must stop by 12 midnight.
6. Do not remove fire extinguishers from the hall.
7. Leave the hall in an orderly and clean condition. Please pick up all excess paper, etc. and deposit in waste containers provided for this purpose.
Additional Information:
Township residents may use the hall chairs and tables for outside events at no charge. Please contact Rob Marten at the number listed above for details.
Returned checks will eliminate further use of the hall.